Neurodivergent-Holistic Health Coaching
“There is no health without mental health; mental health is too important to be left to the professionals alone, and mental health is everyone’s business.” -Vikram Patel
Arts/Craft project
Ask for help
Be in nature
Brainstorm something you are worried about
Call/text a friend
Call a hotline
Chew Gum
Create an action plan
Create a budget
Create a schedule for your day
Deep breaths
Do a puzzle, word search, soduko, etc.
Do aromatherapy
Do something nice for yourself
Drink something
Eat something nourishing
Eat your favorite snack
Focus on the present
Get a massage
Go for a drive
Go for a walk
Go on a picnic
Go out to eat
Go to a group
Go to the beach
Go to the library
Go window shopping
Have a picnic
Help someone
Hug someone
Light a candle
Listen to music
Look outside for 20-30 minutes
Look up a degree plan you are interested in
Make a collage
Make a gratefulness list
Make a list of all your favorite foods
Paint your nails
People Watch
Plan something fun to look forward to
Plan your perfect house
Plan your perfect vacation
Play an instrument
Play a board/card/video Game
Play a sport
Play Categories (Name or write down as many things of a subject you can)
Play with a pet
Positive Affirmations
Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Relaxation Exercises
Sit in a hot tub, sauna, or pool
Take a nap
Take a relaxing bath or shower
Take pictures with an animal or loved one
Thank your body and mind for what they do for you
Think about your accomplishments
Think about your favorite memory/place/moment
Use guided imagery
Use HALT to evaluate(Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired)
Watch a funny video
Watch TV
Write a blog
Write a bucket list
Write a letter to yourself
Write a letter to someone else
Write inspirational cards for other people
Write thank you cards to other people
Write poetry
Write 3-5 inspirational quotes
Write your own coping skill list
Visit a pet store, animal shelter, zoo, or aquarium